What are cocktail bitters?

What are cocktail bitters? Features an overhead picture of an old-fashioned cocktail

Cocktail bitters are spirits infused with botanicals (think herbs, spices, fruits, etc.) to create a highly concentrated burst of flavor. When added to a sweet or sour cocktail, bitters can add another layer of depth and complexity to the flavor profile. While bitters are great for cocktails, but you can also use them in cooking and baking just like you’d use vanilla extract or spices. Even add them to your coffee or tea! You only use a tiny dash so you don’t have to worry about the alcoholic content.

If you’ve ever tried an Old Fashioned, you’ve tried cocktail bitters! Old fashioned cocktails tend to feature one of the most common types of cocktail bitters: Aromatic. Aromatic bitters have a deep complex flavor with notes of wood and lovely hints of cinnamon, anise, citrus & clove. Many old fashioned recipes use the brand Angostura as the go-to for their aromatics. But there are so many other cocktail bitters brands and flavors to try out!

At Bitters Lab, we make small-batch bitters in unique flavors using the highest quality, locally-sourced ingredients.

Try our sampler to get started making cocktails with bitters today