YEARLY Virtual Class Pass

YEARLY Virtual Class Pass

$300.00 every 12 months

This the YEARLY Virtual Class Pass Subscription. Our best deal!

How it works: Pay one-time up front for a full years worth (12 full months) of classes, a $600 value for just $300!!

Schedule: We teach one class a month (with approximately 6 extras from time-to-time based on changing seasons, holiday’s, etc.)

  • Classes take place on the SECOND Wednesday AND Friday of every month - we’ll teach the same class both days.

    • If you subscribe you will receive the virtual classroom link for both days, just show up for whatever day works best for you.

  • The upcoming class calendar is located on our virtual workshop page and is scheduled out at least 3 months in advance so you can see what we’re teaching.

  • Information for classes we add outside of the normal schedule will automatically be sent to you if you are subscribed.

    • You are guaranteed access to 12 classes a year, but your subscription could include between 17-20 for the full year. We add extras based on season changes, holiday’s, special events, etc.

  • TIME: Classes take place at 6 pm MDT.

How will class details be sent?

Details will be sent to you via email 10 days before each class begins, the email will include: the virtual classroom link, digital recipe cards, digital shopping list, and the link to our class playlist on Spotify.

Even if you cannot attend that particular class; you’ll still receive everything and can make and enjoy these recipes on your own time.

Our classes are still available to sign up for on an individual basis. We do not offer refunds for our virtual class subscriptions, so you may consider registering on a class-by-class basis instead of subscribing if you’re uncertain about your availability.

Subscribing for a full year up front will save you $5 per class, or up to $300 per year (based on full class attendance [20 classes] at the full $30 price point).

Bitters Release Event

Bitters Release Event

Valentines: Desserts & Drinks Class 2.png

Valentines: Desserts & Drinks Class

Brunch; A cocktail & cooking class brunch.png

Brunch; A cocktail & cooking class

Savory Cocktails DSC_3461.jpg

Savory Cocktails

Advanced Cocktail Techniques - Show Stoppers! DSC_0660.jpg

Advanced Cocktail Techniques - Show Stoppers!
